Sunday, 1 December 2019

Do you make these mistakes in your fleet management?

You have everything under control. Or not? Do you get the most out of your fleet every day? We list the four most common mistakes. Not to scare you, but to give you tips for successful fleet management services for small business.

1. You have absolutely no insight
Your fleet once started with three cars. And that was still manageable. But then there were ten of them and now 50 cars are driving around on your behalf. The Excel list is bulging and the overview is sometimes hard to find. You no longer have any insight into your fleet and you therefore miss out on opportunities. Because do the cars drive efficiently? Can you possibly save costs? By using a fleet management system you get immediate insight. All data in one system, for you in one overview.

2. You do not use your cars efficiently
You are convinced that you need all cars equally. But is that really so? Are you sure you can't make it with one less car? Through direct insight into your fleet you can see which cars are available and which ones may be standing still for an unnecessarily long time. Carsharing plays an important role in this. Who knows, you might come to the conclusion that you can achieve the same goal with fewer cars, simply by using them in a smarter way.

3. You do not make your employees aware
All 50 cars are of course not driven by yourself, but by your employees. That is why they - the end users - are important for good fleet management. Do your employees know that when they drive too fast, they use 10% more fuel? And did you know that when you make your employees aware of their driving behavior, this leads to 50% fewer accidents and damage? This makes awareness an important part of successful fleet management.

4. You only see what happened at the end of the year
You now have insight, the cars drive efficiently and your employees are aware of their driving behavior. Everything under control. But then the bookkeeper comes and after a year you can see what the balance actually looks like. That's a shame, because that's how you actually stood in the last year. By creating real-time insight into your fleet with the help of a fleet management system, you immediately know where you stand. You can immediately see how your fleet is doing and what you can possibly save on.

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